Poster Presentations
Anya Tafliovich
Quantum Predicative Programming

Farida Mostefaoui and Julie Vachon
Formalization of an Aspect-Oriented Modeling Approach

Jeff Dallien, Wendy MacCaull, Allen Tien
Dynamic Workflow Verification for Health Care

Tool Presentations
Mihaela Gheorghiu, Arie Gurfinkel
A Query Solver for States

Mihaela Gheorghiu, Arie Gurfinkel
VaqUoT: A Tool for Vacuity Detection

Cyrille Artho
Testing I/O Failures with Enforcer

Dai Tri Man Le, Emil Sekerinski, Scott West
Statechart Verification with iState

Jocelyn Simmonds, Jessica Davies, Arie Gurfinkel
VaqTree: Efficient Vacuity Detection for Bounded Model Checking

Mattias Anlauff, Dusko Pavlovic, Stephen Westfold
The Protocol Derivation Assistant

Mehrdad Sabetzadeh and Shiva Nejati
TreMer: A Tool for Relationship-Driven Model Merging

Jonathan Ostroff, Chen-Wei (Jackie Wang, Faraz Ahmadi Torshizi, Eric Kerfoot)
ES-Verify: A Tool for Automated Model-based Verification of Object-Oriented Code

Jin Song Dong, Xian Zhang, Jun Sun, Ping Hao
Reasoning about Timed CSP Models