Doctorial Symposium
August 22, 2006. ITB 222
For the first time, FM'06 will feature a Doctoral Symposium. Students
are invited to submit short papers describing their work in progress. The authors of the accepted papers will present their work to the members of the Doctoral Symposium Committee, who will act as "friendly
examiners", providing detailed feedback. Participation for students
whose submissions are accepted will be subsidised. Two prizes will be
Like the FM´06 conference itself, the Doctoral Symposium welcomes
submissions on all aspects of formal methods research, both theoretical
and practical. The broad topics of interest of the Doctoral Symposium
- Theoretical foundations
- Specification and modelling
- Refinement
- Static analysis
- Model-checking
- Verification
- Calculation
- Reusable domain theories
- Experience with introducing formal methods in industry
- Case studies
- Formal methods in hardware and system design
- Method integration
- Development process
- Tools and environments
Submission Guidelines
Extended abstracts reporting on the current status of doctoral theses
should be submitted by e-mail, as a PDF file, to the Doctoral Symposium
Chair. Submissions are limited to 3 pages and must
follow the Springer's Lecture Notes in Computer Science format, which
can be found in
Submissions will be evaluated by the Committee according to their
originality, significance, soundness, quality of presentation, and
relevance with respect to the main topics of the symposium. Since the
major purpose of the symposium is to provide feedback to doctoral
students, possibly influencing the direction of their research, work in
progress with some results, but still with some open issues, is in the
ideal stage for submission.
Symposium Format
The Doctoral Symposium will take a full day, including around 8 presentations of 45 minutes each (20-25 minutes for presentation and 20-25 for discussion and feedback). The participating students and committee members will stay together during the entire day, including the presentations, discussions, coffee-breaks and lunch, giving plenty of opportunity for informal interaction.
Incentives for Participation
The Doctoral Symposium has no registration fees. On the day of the Doctoral Symposium, coffee breaks and a free lunch will be served. There will also be a limited number of grants for covering the registration fees for the FM'06 Technical Symposium.
Two prizes will be awarded in the context of the accepted submissions: a QinetiQ Award (for research contributions with strong practical applications) and Springer FACJ Award (for fundamental research). Both awards will consider the relevance of the work, the written and oral presentations.
The Doctoral Symposium is open only to accepted students and the examiners.
Authors: Sébastien Labbé and Jean-Pierre Gallois (Laboratoire Logiciels pour la Sûreté des Procédés, CEA-LIST)
Author: Therrezinha Fernandes (Département d'informatique et de génie logiciel, Université Laval)
Additional material at:
Author: Chunqing Chen (School of Computing, National University of Singapore)
Additional material at:
Authors: Elisabeth Ball and Michael Butler (School of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton)
Authors: Edd Turner and Michael Butler (School of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton)
Additional material at:
Author: Mila Dalla Preda (Dipartimento di Informatica, University of Verona)
Additional material at:
Author: Bernd Schoeller (Chair of Software Engineering, ETH Zurich)
Additional material at:
Authors: Rohit Gheyi and Paulo Borba (Informatics Center, Federal University of Pernambuco)
Additional material at:
Doctoral Symposium Chairs
Ana Cavalcanti (University of York, UK)
Augusto Sampaio (UFPE, Brazil)
Jim Woodcock (University of York, UK)
Review Panel
Neil Audsley - (University of York, UK)
Alan Burns - (University of York, UK)
John Clark - (University of York, UK)
David Deharbe - (Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil)
Steve Dunne - (University of Teesside, UK)
Andy Galloway - (University of York, UK)
Jeremy Gibbons - (University of Oxford, UK)
Will Harwood - (Citrix, UK)
Jeremy Jacob - (University of York, UK)
Ranko Lazic - (University of Warwick, UK)
Rogério Lemos - (University of Kent, UK)
Gerald Luettgen - (University of Kent, UK)
Paulo Maciel - (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil)
Ana Melo - (Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil)
Alexandre Mota - (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil)
David Naumann - (Stevens Institute of Technology)
Richard Paige - (University of York, UK)
Fiona Polack - (University of York, UK)
Steve Schneider - (University of Surrey, UK)
Adnan Sherif - (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil)
Fábio Silva - (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil)
Susan Stepney - (University of York, UK)
Georg Struth - (University of Sheffield, UK)
Ian Toyn - (University of York, UK)
Helen Treharne - (University of Surrey, UK)
Heike Wehrheim - ( University of Paderborn, Germany)
Peter Welch - (University of Kent, UK)
Examination Panel
Ana Cavalcanti
Ridha Khedri
Jonathan Ostroff
Tom Maibaum
Dominique Mery
Augusto Sampaio
Jim Woodcock